Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Good Witch True Witch?

In Hallmark Channel's series, The Good Witch, Catherine Bell plays the town of Middleton’s “modern witch” Miss Cassie Nightingale. In the movie series of the franchise, we never see Cassie do any magic but it is implied that she is magical by the soundtrack, the odd things that seem to work out for her, and her knowing look. Unlike her broomstick flying counterparts, Cassie is more like the wise herbalist who able to cure the townspeople’s hurts with some home remedies and some clever little tricks that force people to build relationships with each other. The townspeople visit her shop  Bell, Book, & Candle ( which is another witch movie) tell her their life problems and she is able to give them something to solve the issue if they are willing to put some work in themselves. With society's knowledge base broadening in all fields, Cassie is able to bring back some the mystic of the  early witches of around the world by using skills and techniques that can be explained, while leaving some things for the viewer to ponder over. This I believe is society's view of witches coming full circle where in the beginning “witches” were seen as healers and spiritual guides for the folk who couldn’t pay for a doctor.

It is interesting that we never see her do magic, but we do see some the signs associated with black magic. Her pet is a black cat, and she has the corn broom stick that we see flying witches’ use. The town’s resident Mrs Nosy, Martha Tinsdale, works to show that since Cassie is weird that she should be forced out of town. Eventually Martha accepts that Cassie is a good neighbor and stops trying to kick her out.  Since we never see Cassie consorting with the Devil and gets married in a Christian church, it is my belief that the series is saying that it is ok to be considered a witch if you don’t do what society considers evil.

There is a tv series that takes place after the movies but I don’t know if they still hold to Cassie never using “real” magic.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't watched The Good Witch before, but I agree to what you say about being a "good witch" in the society. And I also wonder if there is any similar tv shows or movies to The Good Witch, in which the male wizard has to hide his power or never shows his magic. In my case, I have watched quite a lot of movies in which witches have to hide their true identity, but rarely seen a wizard doing so except Harry Potter, every wizard and witch are hiding. As far as I consider, there is still a boundary to prevent women from gaining and applying too much power..
