Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Witch Hunters

The only movie or show that I have seen that involves witches or werewolves that I can remember is "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters". This movie was based on the old story of Hansel and Gretel. It's been a couple years since I've seen it, but I still remember mainly what the witches were like. There are actually two kinds of witches; the white witches and dark witches. Obviously, the dark witches are the bad ones and the white witches are good. The way I picked up on the dark witches is that they were nasty and not very intelligent creatures. They were most likely from a lower class as they lived in the woods or something, but they could also kind of transform. The main bad witch looked decent and acted normal, but then transformed into a disgusting monster that had basically super powers. These dark witches can compare to the witch of older times. Palmer wrote an essay about witches that talks about how they are the most evil thing and have been brought here by the devil. He also talks about how they are far different than the norm and gives examples why such as cannibalism, incest, bestiality, etc. The dark witches from Hansel and Gretel can definitely resemble some of those characteristics as they could transform and basically ate people. They captured like 12 children and were going to sacrifice all of them into a fire or something and they were going to receive something in return. The dark witches may be like that since the story of Hansel and Gretel is from a while ago, but the white witches resemble more of the modern day witch. The white witches were trying to do good and help people. When people think of modern witches, most of them think of witches as being the good guys. This is because of the new TV shows and movies of witches being good. Maybe this all can be related to class however. The witch in the TV show (I forgot what it's called or what they are called) is pretty well off from what I remember from when I have seen it. The white witches in Hansel and Gretel are well off as well. I'm not sure about the ones from the modern day movies, but I believe are well off too. However, the witches of old times were thought of as the lower class, poor and disliked by fellow citizens. This is the case for the dark witches from Hansel and Gretel as well. Maybe the witches that are well off do "good" because of the upper class that they are in. Maybe the evil witches do bad things because they are the lower class and think they are being treated with disrespect. I feel like because of these things class may have a huge impact on the roles of witches in the past and today.

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