Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Vampire, The Living Dead

Vampire is an old fashion monster but also the most classic one. The mysteries of them continue no matter how much progresses our world have made. We are still wondering and trying to figure out an exact way in which Vampires should be. 
According to Cohen's thesis(I), Monsters' personalities depend on where they were created. For instance, stories of Vampires appeared in ancient Europe, they were created under a certain circumstances. As a result of this, Vampires we know today has such a unique feature. Humanity believes nothing is born evil, though we made monsters and we endow them with evil and darkness. Such as how Stephenie Meyer describes in Twilights, human blood is irresistible for all the newborn Vampires. Monsters do not follow any path so they can remain pure evil.

Cohen mentioned in his thesis(III)that monsters refuse easy categorization. Vampires are seeing as the dead but also in the main time they are alive, they are moving, they are hunting like a living animal. We can't deliver an absolute category to Vampires. They are the walking dead. The failure of classify Vampires can be furthered to their reproducing. Not like other monsters, they are asexual reproduction. Obviously, they are not part of human or any kind of animals, they are more like a virus. Countless of Vampires in history seeing there creator mother or father even they may look like the at same age or even they were born at the same time. This abnormal way of reproducing further proofed there monstrous. 

They are alive but also they are dead, they can't be born but they can be created. It is way easier to create a Vampire than Frankenstein or any kind of monster, just one bite. Vampires are nothing like anything else. 

1 comment:

  1. It’s interesting how you mention that vampires are more like a virus than any kind of living breathing animal. I really think that this “virus” of vampirism could even be an allusion to how some people view the human species as a virus to planet earth. Vampires are not human yet look exactly the same as humans; they are dead yet walk like the living. Like you mention they cannot be categorized and are a type of creature that is unlike anything else. Just like how humans can be viewed as a type of virus that has never been see before. Common viruses like the adenovirus, coronavirus or rhinovirus reproduce asexually and are contracted usually from unsanitary places. However humans reproduce sexually and were not contracted from any source as far as we can tell. Humans just originated on the planet earth. We were somehow born here and now we are destroying our host like a virus. It is very different from other viruses which are contracted from somewhere else first before doing harm to its host. I find this post really interesting like how you showed that vampires cannot be categorized and therefore appear more monstrous through this fact.
