Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Does Greed and Power Create Monsters?

Does Greed and Power Create Monsters?
In my perspective, the answer is yes. In creation of monster, besides strange and terrifying look and devil ability, other thig such as excessive greed and money also plays role to make people monstrous. Gandhi said that Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed. The most terrifying thing is not greed itself, is how greed make people do terrible things.
The first character came up in my mind is the James Rennie Sr, also called Big Jim from the TV series Under the Dome. The TV series was mainly about a huge massive, transparent, indestructible dome suddenly formed one day and covered the town called the Chester’s Mill.  With no internet access, no mobile signals, and limit radio communications. People trapped inside and find their own ways to survive. As the source of the town running out, the society system such as military force, the government were about to break down. Big Jim was the only councilman left in the town after the dome came down. He was voted to be the primary leader. He was pretending to be nice in front of the public, but when he was speaking privately, he become hostile, and threatening people to do terrible stuff under his power. He tried to kill people secretly to prevent people from connecting to the outside of the dome. 
The desire of controlling and greed of power make him became evil, cruel, and selfish. Under the cover of a helpful and thoughtful public server, his evil inside totally made him a monster. We could not deny that examples such as Big Jim does not exist in our real life. There are hundreds of examples of doctors, layers, politicians became real devil in real life. In the end, Big Jim was mental disordered and killed by his son. I think this character could totally exemplify that how power and greed create monsters. People who took advantages of their power and hurt toiling masses to benefit themselves is totally monstrous.

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