Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Who's the real monster?

Honestly, I never really knew there was a Frankenstein's monster before the green-skinned, square-headed Frankenstein's monster. Also, when I was growing up I have only known the monster to be named Frankenstein, I didn't really know it was actually Frankenstein who created the monster. I believe this is true for most people and then they tell their kids what they know and it's incorrect because people don't grow up knowing the truth anymore. Over the years, the word Frankenstein has just become a symbol for the monster. Nobody wanted to say Frankenstein's monster anymore so whenever someone was talking about the monster they would refer to it as Frankenstein and people would understand. People feel the need to put a name to a face. They needed a name for the monster and Frankenstein is the one that stick. This is most likely because Frankenstein is the one that created the monster that ultimately ruined his life and the lives of others. He created the monster, therefore Frankenstein could be considered the real monster. He is the reason a monster came to life and killed innocent people. The reason everyone thinks of Frankenstein as a green-skinned, square-headed monster and not what the original monster looked like is because that is the only image they have seen of Frankenstein. They are putting a face to a name in this case. This image of Frankenstein must have stuck better for people. It's unique, represents the name Frankenstein well, and has a very monstrous look. More of a monstrous look than the old version anyways. Also, I feel the newer image stuck well with kids. They find it humorous that a big green monster with a square head is stupid. Parents like seeing their kids happy and kids enjoy Frankenstein so Frankenstein keeps on prospering. I'm sure there are many other factors that have effected the image of Frankenstein and the monsters name a long time ago, but these are the reasons that make the most sense to me.

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