Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Evolution of Frankenstein’s Monster

Reading Shelley’s Frankenstein was really interesting for me because up until now I had only known Frankenstein as the green monster with the screw through his neck. I had never known, nor would I have ever guessed, that in the original version of the story Frankenstein is not the monster at all. The initial results of a Google search for Frankenstein show not a doctor or a mad scientist, but the classic monster from the movie. A large portion of the credibility for the confusion largely comes from the movie being a more accessible and entertaining media, leading to many people likely only watching the movie without understanding the real story behind the monster. However, I think the fact that Frankenstein’s monster has taken Frankenstein’s name over time actually signifies much more.

            The fact that over time, Frankenstein’s monster has taken upon the name Frankenstein signifies a lot of things. In Shelley’s book she avoids giving the monster a name, which makes the monster less of a figure and makes it even more inhuman. By naming Frankenstein’s monster Frankenstein, it suddenly becomes a much more real and memorable figure because there is a specific title attached to it. The fact that Frankenstein’s monster took on his own name is also significant in its own way. While Frankenstein was arguably more of a monster in the book, in popular opinion it is the monster that is the monster. In both versions, Frankenstein is the name for the monstrous.

1 comment:

  1. Our posts are nearly identical. As I also said I only knew Frankenstein as the stereotypical green monster. I also said a few more of the same things. I like how you said either way Frankenstein is the name for the monstrous. No matter how you look at it, Frankenstein stands for a monster. Everybody knows that Frankenstein is a monster. They all most likely think of the green monster though and not the actual person that is named Frankenstein. I think this could be a good thing though since he did a terrible thing in creating the monster. Nobody would recognize him if they saw him because he is not monstrous looking. However, the monster looks like a monster and represents the doctor as the monster since he is the one that created him. The monster itself is what lives on to show people how monstrous the doctor truly is.
