There is always one monster in every monsters films or novels.
They are different from others; they are born without siblings and grow without
companions. Frankenstein's monster was born alone. The monster know nothing
about interacting with others and because its monstrous that everyone was
scared of it. The monster lost the only blind "friend" when he found
out that it was a monster. It became completely lonely and loneliness can
destroy anyone. There are so many examples to show that if a creature was isolated
that the personality of the creature will change and it may grown to be
When King Kong was taken to New York and lost his
companions, he went crazy as well. He was desperate and didn't care about
anything. In additional, in the movie Splice, they created a monster and named
it Dren it is a hybrids. They used human DNA, and other creatures body to made
Dren. From it was born till it escape, it was forced to stay in the laboratory
and then an abandoned house. It was lonely and even spelled "tedious"
to show that he/she wants to go out. Frustration and its aspiration of outside
world made Dren killed its creator and escaped. In the movie Dren started as a
female and then turned into male at the end to convey it’s monstrosity.
The movie Jurassic World also explained that what would
happened if a creature was born alone and grow alone. The Velociraptors were
born with siblings but the Indominus Rex was born alone. It did not have a
self-cognition either. In this case it went crazy and trying to kill everybody.
Without interactions with others, the monster always turned to be more evil,
then there will be more people hate them more people scared of them and refuse
to accept them, due to that the monsters will do something more extreme from
desperation. It is a vicious spiral that can never stop.
The birth of the monster is just a fault. People made
something that shouldn’t exist in the mean time hoping that the society would
accept it while they don not even accept it. Monsters are not born evil but
they are born different. Because they are different that make them being isolated
and then the monstrous started to grow and turns them evil. Sometimes they are
just lonely that needs a true friend.
Reading through your post I can’t help but think about the widely debated topic of Nature vs Nurture. This debate discusses whether people are just born a certain way or if it is due to the environment that they grow up in that makes them the way they are. Personally I believe in Nurture over nature. I don’t think it is possible for anyone to just be born and have their personality values, and mannerisms already pre-determined. I however don’t know if Shelly would agree with me on this because it seems that her story could be used to support the nurture side as well as the nature side of the debate. As you mentioned the monster was not born evil but it is the way that it was brought up that caused it to be deemed a ‘monster’. The monster himself claims he was virtuous and loving when he was first created, but he changed after he found out about the way society treats him. He is therefore born ‘good’ which helps the debated side of Nature over nurture, but at the same time the circumstances in which he grew up in determined how he becomes, this fact now supports nurture over nature. I would not know what Mary Shelley believed when making this book, I believe she purposely made her stance of Nature vs Nurture vague so that it be up to interpretation by her readers, like how the real nature of the monster is up to interpretation by the readers.