Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cop, Robot, Robocop?

In the 2014 movie, Robocop, Alex Murphy becomes seriously injured when a bomb goes off at his home. The only way to return him to a relatively normal life is to use new cybernetic technology and make him into a Cyborg. He ends up being more robot than human after the surgery. Intensional the technology was for a good cause, preserving human life, enhancing life. Alex learned how to use his new form to help protect people and continue his police work. The doctors that performed the surgery only wanted to help Alex live a relatively normal life. This is how society initially saw technology when things were beginning to take off, it was a way to enhance life. When Alex starts to fail at being able to use his new tech, it is decided that the human is too limiting a factor in the design for the perfect police officer. So it is decided to “erase” the human element altogether. This shows how society is fearful of technology replacing our jobs and taking over our lives. The was human element left within Robocop, he had taken Alex’s place. Tech today can do the same thing. Robots replace human workers in factories, computers are able to make conclusions faster than the human brain, and texting is replacing social interaction. One day, humans might not even be needed anymore and tech will take over. The human element will go extinct. But there is hope. When Alex sees his family’s reaction to how the tech is controlling him, he decides to fight back. He is able to overcome the tech’s restraint on emotion. Humanity is stronger that the technology, technology can never be better than the living human that runs it. Alex shows that humanity is better than any technology because it has emotion. Without emotion, we would just be robots.

1 comment:

  1. Good reasoning. I loved the original, did not like the reboot. I thought there was a good premise in the 2014 script, they certainly added a bit more in the philosophy of "what is a human". The idea of free will is also beefed up in the newer version. Unfortunately I think they lost a lot of the best elements in order to try and please everyone. Good work deconstructing it.
