Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Turing Test

The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. The test does not check the ability to give correct answers to questions, only how closely answers resemble those a human would give.
Alan Turing came up with this test 1950. He was one of the guys who invented the first computer, by that time was called the "Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer". Since that time we, human, already started to have fears to it.

Our imagination and exploration towards robots and AIs never stopped. So do our fears of them. We have been trying so hard these years to make computers like human, but in the mean time we are scare of the idea that what if robots have human thoughts?

Through all these years' developing, we are living in an era surrounded by robots and AIs. Siri, is the most common figure in our life. We can talk to it, ask it for help, even people use it to chat with. Siri can tell jokes, stories. Apple even gave it a gender, they introduce Siri as "She". We are fascinated with the idea of it, in the mean time we have fear towards it.

We enjoying being like"God" that create things that might have intelligence like human. However we want to be their master to completely control it.

In the movie Ex Machina the AI was named Ava. The main character Caleb was asked to do the Turing test to Ava to see if she has her own intelligence. Caleb was fascinated by Ava and gradually fall in love with her while testing her. Even she still looks like a robot and was half done (no skin under her neck, no clothes). Caleb decided to save her and let her escape. It seems like another typical story of human and robot fall in love. However, Ava did not follow the ordinary way, she killed her creator and locked Caleb in the cabin. There are several understanding of does Ava past the test, does she really have intelligence? If she has her own intelligence what about us? Is she better than human since she is immortal?
The movie left an open ending. If Ava past the test, does it mean she is a human? But due to what she did to Caleb and her creator, she seems too cold. She doesn't have moral, the moral that human have to everything. A soul make human, but her soul is just programs. She is smart but doesn't mean that she has a soul. On the other hand, she lied to Caleb, she tricked him to let him believe that she likes him so he can save her. From this point she is so much like human. Lying, being selfish, using others. She didn't want anybody know that she is a robot so she could pretend to be a human. Why she want to be a human? Through all these years AIs and robots movie, they always wants to live like a "human" In this case, if she already is a "human" why she wants to pretend to be a human?

At the end of the movie, the song sings:

These games you play
They're going to end in more than tears some day.
Robots and AIs, if they ever have feelings, that will be the end of our era.

1 comment:

  1. Siri was actually gonna be the ‘AI’ of my topic. I always thought that siri was very gimmicky and that it was only a publicity stunt done by apple to increase their sales. However after having many experiences with siri and such I am now convinced that siri is evil and wants to take over all of humanity. While driving with my sister, we were using siris gps system to get us to our destination. Everything was going along smoothly until suddenly siri told us to take a left. We were on the middle of a bridge. Siri literally tried to kill us!!! No im just kidding in all honesty it was probally just a bug in siri’s programing, the actual point i’m trying to get at is that these ‘AI’ type of things that big companies are selling are no where close to real artificial intelligence. There are a couple of scientist who even believe that no matter what we do there will never be such a thing as AI’s. What is it about humans that make us so compelled to create artificially intelligient beings? Perhaps it is like you said, maybe humans want to play god. But personally I truly believe that people want to do this just because they believe that they can. Its as simple as that. Perhaps AI’s will never ever come to fruition but I guarantee you that if and when it does occur, it was simply because the human who created this AI had the means to do so and just wanted to do it simply because he/she could.
